AMA Recap of Crypto Legacy X BitcoinVend, by Joe Jewson

Bitcoin was created as an alternative to traditional money systems and it along with other cryptos have the potential to transform our entire eConomy.

Crypto Legacy - Legado de Cripto
14 min readMay 8, 2021


Alfred, [07.05.21 08:07]

Introduction Questions

Can you provide a brief introduction to the core team behind BitcoinVend?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

sure. I will give the main team 1 by 1

Chris — Founder and President

Chris has been involved with Bitcoin since 2010 and worked for a top 5 crypto community. His background is in restaurants and trading and he wants to be able to spend his crypto which made him look at why it was difficult and create a solution — that’s where BitcoinVend came from.

I (Joe) — Co-founder & Project Manager

I was working in health and wellbeing industry until I discovered Bitcoin in 2012 and travelled the world trading from my latop. Then in 2016 I met Peter (one of our advisors) and have since been working in project management and marketing.

Florin — Co-founder & Lead Designer

Florin is a master with adobe program, he is videographer, photographer and animator. He has been involved with a few crypto projects and worked with Chris in the past. He is working hard on making sure the app is beautiful and all our video content very high quality — he’s a family man.

Kingsley — Lead Developer

Kingsley is a very proficient developer. Hes is building software for over 16 years. Working for companies where his experience is very valuable to this project. He is the main developer for the app but we employ other companies for elements of the technology like wallets etc because it’s a lot of work to make all the infrastructure robust, easy and secure.


Next question

What are the benefits that entrepreneurs or microentrepreneurs can obtain by implementing BitcoinVend in the business?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

This is very simple. Anything you want to do with crypto, payments, exchange, selling good and services you can do in the app and it is made to be very easy. The key is that everything is in one place and simple to use. Its takes away anything complicated or limiting about using crypto in your business. Makes it possible for crypto to be used in the real world by normal people. Remember Silk Road? BitcoinVend is like the legal Silk Road but much more than that, Silk Road did a lot for Bitcoin in the early days.



I like that concept of the project

Ok, next question

Can you talk a bit about your prospects and how they will benefit from your products and services?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

The technology we will provide does a lot (we have not said everything the app can do yet, some we are keeping quiet about until people see it).

Whatever people need to do with crypto, they can do it in the app and at low cost and everything is instant. The security is also amazing so people can feel safe and comfortable, it’s a marketplace for everything. We are trying to evolve how crypto works and the app is our solution.

Sell your bicycle? Buy a laptop? Swap crypto? Pay a store or a friend, whatever you want.


I forgot to tell you Joe, when you finish answering each question write Done

What is that milestone in BitcoinVend that you are most proud to achieve?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

Well, we are very new, we came to market fast only about 2 months ago (this was incase Bitcoin dropped a lot, we wanted to get to the market before to avoid this risk when trying to raise money).

I would say our biggest achievement is the app itself, the way it works is special but on the face, its seems so simple.

We are very proud that we have managed to make an app that can do so much but is still simple to use. We were 15X oversubscribed in our token sale, this was also good to see.

Since then we have been quietly preparing, focus on the app a lot to get it finished and our marketing hasnt really started yet so its a bit slow right now which is good, gives us time to focus!


What plans does BitcoinVend have for this 2021?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder,

A lot! We will:

Launch the app (beta testing starts in about 2 weeks)

Have staking available (end of the may / early June)

List on centralized exchanges (all through this month)

Have a new website

Start big marketing campaigns

Make a desktop version of the app

Launch special Ambassador NFTs

and more!

there is a lot happening behind the scenes with technology, lots of integrations to make sure we can support big numbers of people on the app

this is very early stages of the business and project, but the community can start testing the app this month! :) that will be fun to show people what we have done


Thank you for your answers Mr. Joe, we just finished the segment of: Introductory Questions

We go to the segment of:

Twitter Questions

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

great! looking forward to answering the community questions


I like that his main vision is to make people understand that the world of crypto is not as complex as it seems, helping them to better understand what it is all about. But will they only achieve this through their application?Could this app really help someone without knowledge?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

Absolutely yes! This is exactly what we have designed it for, to make using crypto very easy. It is more simple than a mobile banking App. Here is an example of how easy it is to pay a friend, I will share some screenshots:


so simple!


I like the interface

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

and the marketplace is as easy as Facebook marketplace. It wont seem any different to using a App like Revolut, N26 or Nubank

the whole thing was designed to make crypto easy to use. People may not even think they are using some new technology, it will seem very familiar to them




Next question


You mentioned that with BitcoinVend you can process payments, either paying in the store / online, but will this type of payment really adapt to the tax laws established in each location? Or for being a crypto the holders of this means of payment will be able to pay taxes?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

Taxation is the responsibility of the user. What we will do is make it easy for them to download a record of their transactions and have all the information they might need to do their reporting. We cannot get too involved with tax but people/business will be able to download whatever records they need from the app for their accounting purposes.

Legally, BitcoinVend is a bartering system where people trade product for a product because at the moment crypto is not seen as money or currency in very many countries so you can swap it for another product like you might swap a motorbike for a car.


Yes, it’s understandable


Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder,



BitcoinVend is for everyone. Bring together existing crypto companies and users! What marketing plan do you have to reach businesses and users in small communities?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder, [07.05.21 08:27]

This is a deep question. There are many parts to it because we have a big mission ahead of us. I will give a bit of an overview

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder, [07.05.21 08:27]

Firstly, by making it easy and getting the crypto community involved, we know that the message will spread because people using the app will show it to local businesses and let them see how easily they can accept crypto, also we will launch an NFT program where the NFT holder can refer customers and make a percentage of the fees for life, this will further incentivize people to share and actively onboard businesses (we call these Ambassador NFTs).

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder, [07.05.21 08:27]

As a company, our marketing efforts will start by focusing on specific locations and running campaigns (social media, SEO, PPC, Ads etc.) that target businesses and people in those areas. These campaigns will address the reasons for getting involved (it is the future), the benefits (cost saving, fast, efficient, in demand) and the specific features of BitcoinVend and their benefits.

How we will ensure the message is heard is through a combination of:

• Social Media Marketing

• SEO / SEM Campaigns

• Google Play & App Store Advertising

• Paid Channels (PPC, AdWords etc.)

• Press & Media Exposure

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder, [07.05.21 08:28]

In these campaigns, we will make it easy to understand with explainer videos etc. all done to a very high quality. Our marketing hasn’t started yet, we are building a new website in the background and at the moment are focused on finishing the app, having the app working and being able to show people is very powerful.


New website

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

Ohh, think about this. We are making a section in the marketplace for NFTs where people can auction them for any supported cryptocurrency they want. All the bids will be instant with no fees and this is something that people really want. We are speaking to some people who are involved with celebrities who want to make NFTs, we will use these opportunities to offer people a new way to trade/sell NFTs and bring a lot of people onto the app like this. This is just one example… if we get lots of crypto people on the app and seeing how it works the news will spread

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

yes, our website is very basic right now. We put a big budget towards new website because its necessary for a project like this.


yes, the few commissions always attract users

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

it needs to explain everything really well and be optimized for marketing campaigns


Next question


What is the difference between them

BitcoinVend for companies and BitcoinVend for people?

And what are its characteristics?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

The application is the same for people and businesses. They will have almost all of the same features, the only real difference will be that business are verified and this will display on their profile. Also, as soon as the App is finished and live, we will build a desktop version to give businesses a bigger interface to work from to make it even easier for businesses.

think of it as one solution which works for both. If you want to be a ´business´ and sell things online you can do that. All the same features are available to every user

for example, If you have an Aamazon store, you can use an API to show all your amazon products in the BitcoinVend app.


Will that desktop version be shortly?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

towards the end of this year. First we have a bit more to finish in the app, then we build desktop immediately after, desktop wont take as long because we have the technology alread. Its just about building the interface

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

we have been building the app for about 1 year! we went through many different versions to get it right


Joe I have a question just to clarify, in an image on your website there is a photo of an iPhone with the BitcoinVend application. I understand it is available for iOS, but is Android available?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

yes of course

IOS and Android, Then Tablets, Then Desktop

We build the app in Flutter where you build IOS and Android at the same time





Next question


It is very curious that there are not many details about the origin of the name of the project, where does BitcoinVend originate and what is the market in which your team is currently focused (NFT,DeFi,Farming)? What role do developing communities like Latin America have in BCVT?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

Think of the app as an exchange, that is not just for exchanging crypto but for exchanging anything you want like the examples I gave earlier. Our focus is on testing the app before we make it available for anyone to download and preparing for big marketing campaigns.

The reason for Latin American community to get involved is very simple. There is a lot of interest in crypto in Latin America but it’s difficult to spend and people have to learn a lot. BitcoinVend makes it easy to spend and no one has to learn anything, it is so simple. What this means is that people can easily choose a form of payment that is not the traditional paper currency and this has many advantages.

BCVT can be used for paying in-app fees, acquiring premium membership (premium members don’t pay any fees at all), and making in-app payments. It is also used as part of the various reward and incentivisation systems, can be staked (soon) and in the future will have more use cases.

Chris bought the domain a long time ago, Vend means to sell and Bitcoin is a good word to include because there is a lot of attention around Bitcoin. We will create a new brand image with our new website where bitcoinvend is shortened to BCV.

really, no fees in the app if the user locks BCVT in the app.


Do you have any links where we can read about the premium membership?


And otherwise? What would the rate be?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder,

and can read about what the token is used for here:

and we make a giveaway to people who support us early on! here check this out we will give all the people who join 25 USD of BCVT when they make a couple of simple tasks. Like a bounty program.

The BCVT gets delivered to the persons Bitcoinvend account automatically when the tasks (selling or buying something or paying a merchant) is done

like an airdrop but a bit different :)

you are very welcome. Thanks for all the great questions. By the way, we have spanish speakers in our community so any more questions after this next session now can be made in our group in english or spanish (we are multicultural!)


Great. I did not know that, do you plan to open a Latino community in the future? Or are they okay with the International?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

we will make a spanish, russian and chinese group. Right now our community is only small so we put it all in one place for now. We have people from Argentina, Honduros, Brazil etc in the group who understand the project well and also Florin (our lead designer and cofounder) speaks good spanish


Now we move on to the segment of:

Live Questions

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

Thnak you for all the great questions! I picked the simple one because it shows this person knows there is a problem!

Crypto is difficult for most people


Las criptomonedas son difíciles para la mayoría de las personas

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

it doesnt need to be!

we can use tech to our advanatage to do cool things with crypto, but also to make it easy! its just takes some care


You pointed out that many people still do not know about cryptocurrencies and others do not trust them, I know that BitcoinVend will work to give users confidence to make purchases with them, but how will more people and businesses get to know about cryptocurrencies?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

Well, this is where everyones efforts can be used to our advantage. Lots of people are talking about crypto and trying to sell it to one another. Imagine just showing them Bitcoinvend instead of trying to sell it. If the community who use Bitcoinvend start showing their friends, family and colleagues, it will spread very fast and remove the idea in people minds that crypto cannot be used for anything because they can see it being used and try it out really easily


It is possible that BitcoinVend manages to attract many people to cryptocurrencies, but will BitcoinVend really seek to take advantage of the full potential of DeFi through the use of NFT tokens, and many more products? or just simple transfers in popular currencies?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

We can put categories in the marketplace for everything. Its very easy then to adjust the settings for different categories to give the functions people need. For example, we are talking to some people are talent (models etc) and the problems they face. With BitcoinVend, the technology enables us to make a solution for this quite easily.


Is the $BCVT token alreadtehe exchange market and will it be listed on DEX or CEX?

¿El token de $BCVT ya cotiza en la bolsa de valores y aparecerá en DEX o CEX?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

It has been on Uniswap for a little while. We go on centralized exchanges start next week and then the following week. We will go on a total of 5 this month! Here you can find it on Uniswap: this link is right at the top of our website. It is also on Bilaxy but the bigger exchanges start next week on thursday/friday


You mentioned that with BitcoinVend you can process payments, either paying in the store / online, but will this type of payment really adapt to the tax laws established in each location? Or for being a crypto the holders of this means of payment will be able to pay taxes?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

No one can pay taxes with bitcoin until it is classed as legal tender, I think maybe in Japan you can but not anywhere else. Its best to think of BitcoinVend as a network and a platform, people need to be responsible for being legal, we just provide the platform and people can use it as they wish.


Because cryptocurrencies are sometimes hard to spend they have thought

implement being able to quickly and easily withdraw cryptocurrencies to a debit card or bank account in small or large amounts?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

This is the whole problem. People think crypto is becoming mainstream because Visa and PayPal are doing things. But they are not, they are just selling it for the customer and paying the merchant with normal currency. This is not pro bitcoin, this is anti bitcoin solution. We are making crypto work as money… this is the mission!


How do you keep your platform safe for Investors and is your platform guaranteed to be protected from hackers AND what makes investors, customers, and user feel safe when working with Bitcoinvend?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

The technology we use is better than most exchanges. We will announce our wallet/security technology partners soon. They work for the top hedge funds, market makers etc. They are the very best in the industry. The security issue with all these types of technology is always on the user end, not taking care of their passwords, leaving their phone lying around etc without a pin

we take security very seriously

our tech partners are ISO certified, FinCEN compliant etc


What transaction methods does BitcoinVend have available?

How can users move their funds and to which platform and wallets?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

You can deposit from any wallet. BitcoinVend will support the top 30 initially and then bring more cryptos on as we grow. Imagine it just like a wallet or exchange, works the same way


Mr Joe, thank you for answering the questions but please select the two winning telegram questions


You pointed out that many people still do not know about cryptocurrencies and others do not trust them, I know that BitcoinVend will work to give users confidence to make purchases with them, but how will more people and businesses get to know about cryptocurrencies?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

I dont know your experience but for me (I live in the south of europe), more and more people are knowing about it everyday. This time last year when I was asking in shops its was about 1/10 who knew bitcoin, now its about 7/10 so awareness is growing fast


BitcoinVend Do you plan to reach Latin America?

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

BitcoinVend will be available everywhere, you guys can spread the word in latin america! :) We will focus on europe initially because we are here but anyone anywhere can use it


Mr. Joe, thank you very much for sharing your successful project with our community, we will be waiting for the news and milestones of your project!

Joe Jewson — BitcoinVend Co-founder

thank you to you guys!

BitcoinVend is The eConomy Evolved · Just for you; like a bank, exchange, or wallet app. · You connected to the world; a global eConomy.

📚More information about BitcoinVend:



Crypto Legacy - Legado de Cripto

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